Revelation 3:11 KJV
[11] Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.
God promised us a crown of righteousness in Heaven, and I am looking forward to wearing that crown. As a wife to a pastor, mother of four children, Sunday school teacher, worshipper, and much more, I am wearing many hats on a daily basis. I’m always trying to do my best and be faithful in the small things, even when some of the hats I wear become overwhelming and heavy. I have been going through a season of testing that has not been easy, but I am holding fast to my profession of faith.
Sometimes moving forward can be difficult. God said it would be a fight of faith and He doesn’t lie. There are seasons in life we all go through that eventually will make our faith in Christ stronger once we complete each test.
I am thankful most of all for the crown that I will one day wear. This Christmas season I have been focusing on the one who died to give me that crown. It is easy to get carried away with gift giving, gatherings, and other obligations that can become burdensome to the busy lives we often lead. I don’t want to forget my purpose for living.
I want to always be ready for Christ coming back for His bride. I don’t want to be wearing a spotted or wrinkled dress. I want to be covered in His righteousness, ready to go to meet my Lord. Let’s focus on being ready to meet Him and know that some hats are hard to wear, but the crown of righteousness is most important.