It’s December, Sisterhood
We’ve officially turned the corner and are now in full Holiday Swing! There is nearly nowhere we can go now that we are not going to have Christmas in our face. Our senses are in overload with sights, sounds, tastes and smells of Christmas. With all of these external elements surrounding us, it’s easy for anyone to simply camouflage their way into appearing in the Christmas Spirit. We can deck the halls with the best and rock around the Christmas tree yet still be missing the Spirit behind this significant moment in humanity’s history- Emmanuel “God with us.”
This time of year always has me a little more thoughtful. It’s the time that I take an inventory of my life. The following are 2 approaches as I do a heart check:
· As I’m getting geared up for the holiday season, have I prepared for the coming of the Messiah in me? Are there things that have become barricades to Him having free access to my mind, soul and spirit? Am I going through the motions of “Christmas”, maintaining the status quo, or am I making a path for Him to come and meet with me?
· In the midst of this “most wonderful time of the year", am I sensitive to those around me who need someone to “herald” Christ into their life? In other words, is my life reflecting Jesus in such a way that someone who has not encountered the Hope of the Nations, recognizes Him? Is my life announcing the birth of Christ?
Sweet Darlings, I am praying even more so for you today -as I hope you are for me- to experience an even deeper visitation of Emmanuel in our lives this Christmas season. I am praying for your loved ones who are far away from Home. May this holiday usher in the coming of the Messiah to those who have yet to know Him and may we be a people who prepare the way for Him to come in their lives. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
A voice cries: “In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Isaiah 40:3
JESUS the light of the world!!