To me, one of the greatest joys in life has been taking this journey called motherhood. I can remember the time I heard a teaching on the birth order traits and thought, "My three kids fit that in cookie cutter style!"
The most interesting thing to me is looking back at the traits of each child as they were growing up and seeing those same traits still present in their adult life. My daughter had a passion for kids, worship, the Word of God and missions. Of course her brothers would add to that list her stubborn streak! I say determination. Ha! As an adult, she has traveled to seven countries ministering Christ and rescuing kids. Now she has a kids' home in Haiti. My oldest son was always patient and very detailed on any task given. He now works with a company calibrating Xray and other intricate machines. As a child, my youngest preferred PE, sports and recess. He was also known for his caring heart and being the one that stood up for those society pushed aside. As an adult, he not only traveled to 6 other countries, but has organized and led teams on those trips. His job is assistant general manager of a trampoline park where he can still enjoy the physical activity while raising his own support to continue short term missions.
Paul said in 1 Corinthians 13:11 "When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me."
How true that verse is when it comes to vain arguments and selfish ambition. Yet, just as true is the fact that God never meant for us to lose our giftings when we grew into adulthood. Instead, he instructs us as parents to learn how to channel our kids giftings because He has a plan for those gifts and talents to be used for His kingdom as they become adults. Just as I see in each of my adult children glimpses of who they were as a child, the mannerisms and speech has become that of matured children of the King. Those passions they always had stirring inside them are now being used to change their world.
What passions did God give you as a child? Sometimes we have to go back to our childhood and remember the longings He placed in there at an early age. Maybe your childhood wasn't in a peaceful or safe environment. Yet He was there with you. And in dark moments you probably had secret longings for something different in life. Longings He placed there before you were born. Don't let life crowd out who He wanted you to become. Ask Him today to renew those original longings He planted in your spirit as He formed you. Allow yourself to recall any of those seeds your heavenly Father planted in your spirit.
Hang on to the seeds. Take time to garden them to maturity. The result? Greater fulfillment and impact upon the world around. And be encouraged. Those seeds are growing into a beautiful YOU!
