Hello Dear sisters, I want to encourage you today to be faithful to all that God has entrusted to you. I know that the past few weeks have brought about some interesting times for each of us. How this virus affects our lives is quite different individually, but one thing we all can do is trust God.
Honestly, I have been reluctant to post or comment much about this. I know that Facebook, and other avenues of social media are blowing up with information. I didn’t want you to have to have one more thing to read (or disregard, LOL). However over the last few days, I was challenged to connect with you and explore some areas of normalcy in our lives.
With so many of us spending our days at home, every seems like a Saturday..... I encourage you to get out the calendar, or make one, and start writing a schedule of your day on it. Plan out your tasks: cleaning, shopping, teaching, studying, play time, catching up on news, exercising, journaling, etc. Take care of yourself: put your clothes on, fix your hair and put on makeup. You will be surprised at how doing these things will improve how you feel.
Many of you with children have the task of homeschooling now. I‘ve seen many comments of how moms are putting their students in detention, lol. On a more serious note, we are faced with the opportunity and possibly challenge to engage with our children daily to expand their knowledge by learning. That may be a source of frustration to you, but press on. It is an opportunity for you to be WITH your kids. I’m reminded of how often in Deuteronomy we are commanded to teach our children all throughout the day, when a moment occurs we can discuss how to do it God’s way. You Got This Girl! (I’m praying you those of you who might feel inadequate and those that need a little more patience)
I have a T-shirt that a friend made me that says “old school and proud of it”. Although I am expanding my learning of technology and certainly know the need of it, we can step back a little in time. As we start each day, we can pray that God helps us make lasting impressions on those around us, mainly our families. Do something new/old. Make cookies, cook, Play hopscotch, collect bugs, jump rope, clean out a flower bed, then plant new flowers, google a science experiment and do it. Stay connected with those you don’t see face to face. Use a FaceTime or video chat to stay connected and maybe even have your kids do a skit, video it and send it.
Lastly and most importantly, stay connected to God. Read your Bible EVERYDAY. Soak yourself in praise music. There are tons of songs on you tube, CDs you can listen to and the radio. Fill your space with His Presence. Jude 1:20 says that we are to build each other up in the most holy faith, and pray in the Holy Spirit. I encourage you to limit your screen time. You need to be informed but do not become overloaded.. Listen to the news, but don’t just listen to one channel, listen to other sources. If you feel the need to repost or share something, verify it first to make sure it is true and trustworthy. Check out our national women’s ministry website. It is women.ag.org Kay Burnett has written a study on Daniel for 2020 called Trustworthy. I started it and it has been great. You can get the book from the national website or from myhealthychurch.com. She has video introducing each chapter that you can watch from the website or download them for free. I encourage you to start it soon.