What a wonderful time we had at our Louisiana Sisterhood Rendezvous this past weekend! God did so many beautiful things in our hearts and lives. I was particularly moved by Friday evening's lovely ballet performance done to the Lauren Daigle song ’Come Alive’ (Dry Bones). It has inspired me to pick up a devotional prayer activity I often engaged in last year. I think I’ll share this with you in hopes that it might encourage you to cry out to the ‘dry bones’ in your loved ones lives.

I began by gathering photographs of my kids and grandchild and made a collage on my collage app on my cell phone and printed it out. (If you don’t a collage app you can just print out or gather some pictures of the loved ones you have chosen to pray for.)
I then wrote out or read
Ezekiel 37:1-14. As I did, I would stop after each verse, look at each of my pictures, lay hands on their picture then would envision or expound on what the specific verse said and related it to their lives specifically.
In verse 2, when it talks about the valley of dry bones, I put myself there with my loved ones ‘dry bones’ laying there….you know….those hidden areas of their lives that only God can see.
In verse 3, I would stop and ask myself if I REALLY believed those bones could live once again and surrendered my fears to God.
In verse 4, I took the time to prophecy over specific areas of each of their lives.
In verse 7, I heard and rejoiced over the bones coming together and becoming an army for Jesus.
In verses 9, I imagined God breathing life into their bones and would call out to those tendons/areas of each of their lives that needed strengthening.
These are only a few examples, but In other words, I would pray around each verse and pray more precisely as the Spirit led me.
This continuously reminds me of the words found in Hebrew 4:12
“For the word of God is alive and powerful.
It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword,
cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow.
It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.
So women of God, let’s dig up some pictures, let’s start praying the Word over some of our loved ones and let see some dry bones come ALIVE in Jesus’ name !
Song: This Is The Sound and lyrics
Scripture: Psalms 107:20
Other Activity: Pray this portion of Scripture over your life.