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Embrace the Moment

Writer's picture: Rhonda AnzivinoRhonda Anzivino

Updated: May 2, 2019

May has arrived! And with that comes thoughts of spring flowers, kids finishing their school year, and Mother's day. For some, Mother's day brings families together to share love and memories. For others, they feel the emptiness in their life due to losing their mom to eternity. Still others choose to hide on that day because all their memories bring pain of an abusive or abandoned childhood. But in each situation, God chooses to hold us and teach us to make Him our first love - even above our earthly family.

One of the greatest joys I have had in life so far is that of being a mom. My outlook for raising my kids was to catch each possible moment I could with my children individually. Now that they are adults starting their own families, it still amazes me how quickly it seems that time has passed by. But the memories we made as a family are treasures to hold.

When thinking back on the younger years of my kids, one of the sweetest moments that comes to mind was the evening my oldest son could no longer contain his true feelings. At the time we were on staff as youth/young adult pastors. One of the college age young men had come over to assist my husband in painting the house. After staying over for supper, my husband needed to drive him home as he had no car. Thinking of giving me a quiet moment and time to clean the kitchen, he decided to load our three kids in the car and take them along.

Once the door was shut, I turned to the dishes in the sink and began the task of seeing each one cleaned. Within minutes, our door flew open. In walked my 6-year-old son with alligator tears rolling down his cheeks. The door shut solidly behind him as he plopped down on the couch and continued crying.

My mind was whirling. What could possibly have happened to change him from laughter and smiles to tears so quickly? When he finally paused long enough to talk, all he could say was, "I like dad. But I love you!"

My heart melted. This young boy had found a way to let me know his heart for me was more than for dad or a ride in the car. He put aside time with his dad, who he enjoyed having fun with, because of his love for me. Dishes were forgotten. It was time to put aside the duty of cleaning and sit with my son enjoying a movie.

It is the same with God. He longs to hear us say, "But I love You more!" And as we make that statement and choose time with Him over other things, He, too, will shower us with His love and presence.

Therefore let us also, seeing we are compassed about with so great a cloud of

witnesses, lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us,

and let us run with patience the race that is set before us......

Hebrews 12:1

Today, let's embrace each possible moment with our Heavenly Father. That might mean putting other things aside - even good things - to show Him we love Him more. But every moment with Him will be a treasure held for eternity.

Our crazy family!

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