If you could choose one day in your childhood to go back to and live one more time, what would it be? Why would you choose that particular day? For me, it would be the summer before I started junior high. I can’t remember the exact day, but I can remember the feeling. I thought I was the coolest girl in the neighborhood on my pink huffy bike. I didn’t quite grasp fashion and loved to wear purple shorts and a pink shirt with white KED tennis shoes with of course neon green shoe strings. I had two friends on the next block over that I rode with every afternoon ramping the curbs until curfew aka street lights coming on. We were no longer children — we were junior high kids. That particular afternoon we did all our favorite things. We ramped the curbs, we climbed the giant oak tree, we told stories under my front porch, we played hide and go seek in the neighbor’s giant attic, we sucked on honeysuckle and waited for the perfect moment to catch fireflies. That night we caught so many fireflies it could have made the Guinness Book. Once summer was over and junior high began life changed forever. No more curbs, trees, stories, honeysuckle nor fireflies. That was childhood stuff. We all can probably remember times when life was just fun! Everyday was a new adventure and just so simple. I think tonight I am going hunting for fireflies!
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