I’m sure it happens to most people – we have these “hot spots” where it seems the Lord talks to us most often. In the past, it’s been the quiet of the car, but in most recent years it’s been at the sink while washing dishes. Yeah, can you tell the mom life is real?
This morning, while washing yesterdays dishes, I began to think about this very blog, and all the women that would likely read it. Most of you are using your Saturday, at least a part of it, to prepare for tomorrow. Sunday is your “game day”, and you’ll be serving in various roles in the church – leading worship, proclaiming the good news from the pulpit, loving babies in the nursery, teaching discipleship classes, greeting first time guests and praying with power for lives to be transformed. At some point you will likely pray a form of this request, “Lord, do what you want through me”. What a powerful prayer.
I’ve been there. I am there. The prayer and desire that God use you in whatever way He wishes, a prayer that declares you want to be the vessel and you want His will to be done through you. What a great place to be. Yet, as I washed away soap suds, the thought came to mind – I wonder if as many sisters are also praying the prayer – “Lord, do what you want IN me”.
I thought of Mary and Martha. The disciplined worker, whose heart was to serve, but missed the mark by missing out on the opportunity of His presence. How many of us have been there?
So desiring God to do a mighty work, that our time and energy becomes solely focused on that. That our to-do list, our “wins” or our mission statements take precedence over His presence. Not even because we want it to, but because time only permits for so much. As these thoughts swirls like that water down my kitchen sink drain, I wondered then – What does God want to do through us that He can’t yet accomplish, because there’s more to be done IN us first?
As you prepare for the weekly “game day” tomorrow, and get everything in place – I pray that you take the time to put His Presence on the list of to-do’s. Not for the sake of great happenings tomorrow, but for the sake of great happenings in your heart. That His outpouring from you would be a response to the infilling of you. I pray today, you find some time – even if it’s at the kitchen sink – to cry out to your creator that He do all He wants in your heart and life. That He changes you, transforms you, gives you more grace, more love, more perspective and more of Himself. In all of that, I pray that you THEN see the bigness of His power demonstrated through every gift and every talent He created in you. That every prayer you’ve ever prayed to be used by Him would be answered in the Bigness, in the miraculous that He intended. So, today get in His presence, because as every super fan says “GAME ON”.