Happy Wednesday to you, Sisterhood!
We’re nearly halfway through September!! Ladies, we have 3 months left to this year! Perhaps you’ve looked at the list of goals you created back in January and realized you’ve gotten off course along the way. Maybe where you thought you’d be or what you thought you’d accomplish hasn’t happened. It’s easy to get stuck in discouragement- but let’s not go there. Let’s be brave enough to do a heart check and steer our focus to what we can learn, put action behind it and move forward! This brings us to today’s topic: Priorities. Google’s definition of priorities says: ‘a thing that is regarded as more important than another.’ Reading that makes me want to say ‘OUCH’ because when I began the year, I had every intention to succeed in all the goals I set. Reading that also nudges me to be honest about what I’ve spent my energy doing instead of intentionally seeking the things that will get me closer to my target. Setting priorities will cost us something. If we think about it in terms of cost, though, it becomes absent of the joy found in attaining what God has for us. I’m challenged to flip the script to view it as an eternal investment that can propel me towards what He has and is preparing for me-and what He’s got prepared for my children, and their children and generations to come. Deciding what is deemed a priority in your life and becoming intentional with what you do about it is Money in the Bank! Sisters, be encouraged- Fall is a great time to Assess, Adjust and Aspire for what’s to come in the next year.
· Assess- take an honest look at the goals you’ve set for yourself, family, and ministry. Prayerfully seek what God wants for YOU and YOUR family. I can’t stress enough that if you’re not in sync with what God has for you, you will find yourself frustrated. Frustration will lead to fizzle.
· Adjust - There’s nothing wrong with crossing things off your list that just don’t apply to you or your family in this current season. Give yourself a target that’s reasonable and attainable and stick to it.
· Aspire –Here’s where your grit needs to kick in. If you’re like me, I am tired of the enemy kicking me down about still being in the same place and not moving forward. Enough is enough. We’re daughters of the King. Everything we need to succeed is already prepared for us. We have access to it all in Christ! Let’s seek the heart of God, focus our aim, and eagerly charge forward in confidence that He’s got us!!
“There has never been the slightest doubt in my mind that the God who started this great work in you would keep at it and bring it to a flourishing finish on the very day Christ Jesus appears.” Phil 1:6 MSG