Address: Everywhere at the Same Time Avenue
Phone: (123) 456-PRAY
Professional Profile: Before the beginning of time. From everlasting to everlasting. Willing to save from the penalty of sin. Ready to deliver from the power of sin. Able to rescue from the presence of sin. Specializes in transformation, restoration, and reconciliation.
Ability: Omnipotent.
Prior Employment: Created the universe, put the galaxies in place, formed man. Established heaven and earth by My spoken Word. Currently sustaining the world by My power.
Education and Training: Omniscient.
Character References: A representative, but by no means exhaustive list of character traits:
Love 1 John 4:16
Light 1 John1:5
Life John 14:6
Wisdom James 1:5
Comfort 2 Corinthians 1:3
Truth John 8:32
Healer 1 Peter 2:24
Strength Philippians 4:13
Forgiveness 1 John 1:9
Provider Philippians 4:19
Mercy Ephesians 2:4
Just Romans 3:26
Good Matthew 19:17
Peace Romans 14:17
Availability: Omnipresent. Can start immediately.
Salary requirement: The precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot.
adapted from Chosen Vessels by Rebecca Florence Osaigbovo. Rebecca's writings and ministry have been a blessing and encouragement to me for over twenty years. I pray this helps put our work week in perspective. We serve the Almighty God.