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Great treasures in tiny packages

As a mother of adult children, I can still remember the day that each one was born. Those memories bring back so many emotions that it feels like it was just yesterday. I know as a young mother I wanted to give my children the best I could, keep them safe, protect them from harm, help them to grow and be the best they could be. I dreamed for them, imagining what their little lives would look like as they grew.

”Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it,” Proverbs 22:6. We tend to think this is an easy task, however it takes an incredible amount of work and consistency. Hence the word, train. It takes discipline our our part to continue this training process. I encourage you today, wherever that may find you, to continue to press on. Some of you find yourself still waking up in the night to cries and feedings, others to rushed morning routines as you get the kiddos off to school, others watch them drive out of the driveway praying for their safety and protection, and even others as you pray for them as they are away at college or live in their own homes now.

Our job as a mother is never over, it is lifelong! You are not a failure, even if at times you think you failed. Keep on, press on, push through, pray continually and never ever give up!!

Mothering is worth it, whether it is your birth children, adopted ones, neighborhood kids, school children.... YOU are an influencer and shaper to the next generation. They need you.

Be an nurturer, encourager, corrector, speaker of truth, lover at all times, disciplinarian if needed.....train them up. God’s word promises they will not depart from what you have taught them. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK

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