Happy Wednesday Evening, Sisterhood!
Christmas has come and gone-our hearts still full from this wondrous season. The week that’s left of 2018 has most pondering about what is to come in 2019. It is a time of reflection and looking forward. Interestingly enough, I had a conversation with a friend just today about what their resolution will be for the New Year. I’ve got nothing against resolutions whatsoever; if we’re not assessing ourselves at all or measuring progress, how do we know if there’s been growth?
Today, as I ponder the phrase looking forward, I want to challenge your thinking to not imagine the what that is to DO in the New Year, but the what that is to COME. Here’s what I mean: when I say I am looking forward to something, it is with excitement and anticipation of what’s coming. It is natural for us to write the list of things that we’d like to achieve for the New Year and create strategy to accomplish those goals. Those are good things. But in the midst of those good things, are we leaving room for God to have His way in them? Are we only picturing the “work” we’ll have to put in to making it happen? Are we giving Him permission to take our list and do the impossible? In short, are we joyfully anticipating God to absolutely blow our minds in 2019??!!
Precious sisters, let’s envision 2019 through the lenses of HOPE and excitement for what God is going to do. Let’s be women who are AUDACIOUS enough to believe that He is going to meet us in everything big and small in 2019!! I hope you’ll join me as I look forward to this brand New Year. If you need to borrow a set of lenses, I have extra pairs to share :) Let’s do this TOGETHER!!