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Pick a word.....any word!

Updated: Jan 17, 2019

It’s it awesome to have a close knit group of friends that you can regularly be real with?

A small group of women and I have been gathering once a month for 11 years. What a wonderful journey it has been! It’s been one that has given us the opportunity to help each other up as we individually have gone through difficult times. But more importantly, It has help us celebrate all the good things God has continually been doing.

One of the things we all look forward to doing each new year is to prayerfully and individually pick a word and a scripture for ourselves that we feel God is leading us to that up coming year. OUR WORD OF THE YEAR!

Last year my word was RESILIENCE, my scripture was Isaiah 33:6 and I even had a visual/picture for my word …an olive twig, which, as you recall, showed its resilience surviving the flood.

Man, was my word spot on! Last year turned out to be one of my most difficult years yet! What a doozie! Over and over again, my scripture helped propel me towards that resilience that God had prophetically called me to.

Maybe choosing a word might be a bit more difficult for you. Would choosing a scripture be easier? You could even choose a picture that would go with either. Find one of these or find all three. It’s your choice!

Here are some suggestions:


3 ways that could help you choose a word….

1) Over the course of a few days pray that God would give you a specific word. You might

not know the reason behind it at first, but if one keeps coming up in your spirit,


2) Ask yourself these questions and find a word that describes the desire of your heart.

-What do I wish I had more of (or less of) this year?

-What word or idea do I want to dominate my life this year?

-What do I want this year to be characterized by?

-Is there something I want to work on? ie. joy, patience, peace.

3) Take this quick QUIZ to help you narrow it down.


Research a few scriptures that go with your word, narrow it down to 2 or 3, pray about them for a few days and then pick one. You could then write it on a large sticky note and post it around your home.


Pick a picture that depicts what you desire to experience in relation to your word. Here are a few pics you can view to get you started on your search. Once you have chosen one, take it one step further, make it your screen saver!

I hope you will be tempted to find your word, find your scripture, find your picture AND don’t forget to find a friend to share them with.

What word did you choose?



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