Recently, as I read Luke chapter 3 as part of my new Christmas tradition (one chapter a day till Christmas), verses 4-8 stopped me in my tracks. I found that what John the Baptist challenged his spiritually hungry audience with then can definitely correlate with prepping our hearts for Christmas now. You see, the people coming to John the Baptist were coming for an outward purification (baptism of water). But instead, he drew them inward to the condition of their hearts & lives. He challenged them to seek a deeper form of purification as they prepared for the coming of the Messiah.
John the Baptist quoted to the crowds what the Prophet Isaiah had said when he had been sent by God to comfort those amongst the Jews who feared God.
In response to this challenge, we could ask ourselves questions similar to these:
What situations or relationships do I need to tidy up? How does humility reign in my life? What circumstances need to brought into the light? How can I replace lies I believe or am hearing with Truth?
Can you imagine if we took the words of these Prophets to heart this Advent season. If we turned our attention inwardly and considered the condition of our hearts. Man, we would truly be ready to welcome our Messiah this Christmas season!
Video: Paul and Christian Character by N.T.Wright
Article: Billy Graham’s Advent Devotion
Just for fun: Christmas Games for Large Groups