In Chapter 10 Solomon begins verse by verse, contrasting wisdom and
foolishness, touching on several themes.
Today we’re going to look at the verses that give insight about our words.
Verses 13 & 21 both speak of a fool being punished for lack of judgement.
We need correct judgement, or discernment, to be wise about:
whether we should speak,
when to speak,
what we say,
and how much we should say.
In verses 6, 11, 31, & 32 we see that the wise speak life and blessing; they speak
what is appropriate and wise. But the words of the wicked are overwhelmed with
violence and perversity.
Verse 8 brings to mind a child receiving a command from a parent. The wise in
heart accept commands, but a chattering fool comes to ruin. An obedient heart
accepts the command, but a disobedient heart talks back, muttering under his
breath - a chattering fool.
A chattering fool, mentioned again in verse 10, can also be one who talks
constantly without consideration for others or one who incessantly gives their
Gossip begins sometimes simply from not knowing when to stop talking! Verse
18 & 19, ...whoever spreads slander is a fool. When words are many, sin is not
absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise.
Verse 14, Wise men store up knowledge, but the mouth of a fool invites ruin. It is
possible to have knowledge without needing to make sure that everyone around
us knows that we know something! Instead of being a know-it-all, sometimes we
should just “store up” knowledge.
Lord, help us to watch our words! I pray that you give us the discernment we need today to be wise with our words. Amen.