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Royal Splendor

Writer's picture: Rhonda AnzivinoRhonda Anzivino

Today's word - Splendor! God's royal splendor. The song "How great is our God" has resonated over and over in my spirit. "Splendor of a King" - my King has more splendor than any earthly King! He is "clothed in majesty" - nothing more majestic could ever be found than the majesty of the King of Kings!

Each description in the song paints an amazing picture of beauty, strength, royalty and authority. But the words of the song I have needed today is actually from a tag that is not a part of the original. They are words from another song that were added by a worship team to act as a tag. Since hearing it, I can't separate the songs in my own mind. Why? Because there is something in His name that changes the atmosphere! And it changed the song as well.

See, the song added as a tag lists the names of God. Each time I hear it or sing it, hope arises! My heart swells with love for Him! I sense the power of His name. I feel the strength of that name which makes demons tremble!

Let those same words speak for themselves. Worship Him today!

"He is Lord of Lords

He is King of Kings

He is mighty God

Lord of everything.

He's Emmanuel

He's the Great I Am

He's my Prince of Peace

Who is the Lamb"

"He's the living God

He's my saving Grace

He will reign forever

He's the Ancient of Days"

"He is Alpha, Omega, Beginning and End

He's my Savior, Messiah, Redeemer and Friend"

With every name spoken, can't you just feel how splendid He is?! O how great is MY God! I love how the Psalmist writes it:

"Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence?

If I ascend into heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in [c]hell, behold, You are there.

If I take the wings of the morning, And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,

Even there Your hand shall lead me, And Your right hand shall hold me.

If I say, “Surely the darkness shall fall on me,” Even the night shall be light about me;

Indeed, the darkness shall not hide from You, But the night shines as the day;

The darkness and the light are both alike to You."

Psalm 139:7-12

The King of the Universe is our God and He is clothed in all the royal splendor of heaven. No matter where you are today, you cannot go there without Him being at your side. Close your eyes and listen to His sweet voice speaking strength to you today. O how He loves YOU!

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