While on our trip to Lake Martin, I was watching Rocky fish — yes the dog loves to “try” and catch fish all day. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a frog. It was that little green slimy looking frog that many times you see on your kitchen window during the summertime — at night of course. It reminded me of one night so many years ago when I got up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. I was so very tired, didn’t turn on the light and somehow made it to the toilet in the dark. I sat down and immediately felt something slap my behind. I didn’t scream for some reason not sure why not, but I just thought — what in the world just attached to me out of a toilet????? So I stood up, turned on the light and turned around to the mirror to see a slimy green frog stuck to my behind. How in the world did that even happen? If you know me at all, you know I have to look for a life lesson in this sticky situation. Being aware of your surroundings at all times is a good start because even when you think you are in a safe place things can surprise you. Most importantly don’t try to do things in the dark because light always points out the sticky things that might be coming your way.