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When I Have Kids....

It’s Terrific Tuesday Sisterhood!!

In the 23 years that I have been blessed to be a mom of 5 kids, here’s what I’ve grown to understand: Not one thing can evoke more opinions from more people than the topic of Parenting. Truth be told, we’ve all -at one time or another- been that person who absolutely knew how they would raise their kids and had no problem vocalizing it to anyone who’d give us audience. But if you’ve been a parent for any amount of time, you’ve quickly learned that in no way could you have ever imagined the tough job it is to raise children, or that it would take utter and complete dependence on God to help you do it with any sort of success. So what defines success? Success for every parent will look different; as different as the children that we’ve been given. Where all of our differences cease to exist and share one common goal is in this: to raise them up to know Jesus. I love how Proverbs 22:6 is expressed in The Passion Translation, “Dedicate your children to God and point them in the way that they should go, and the values they’ve learned from you will be with them for life.” No Pressure.

For nearly 10 years, I had the privilege of leading a Mom’s Ministry; something that was birthed from a longing to understand my deep insecurities as a mother. I had grappled for a time as a young mom, suffocating under the weight that I had placed on myself, unrealistic expectations I’d created in my head, and yes, even societal pressures. It lead me on a journey of self-discovery to the woman God had created me to be. Ladies, no one but Jesus can pour that revelation into you. Not a book, conference, podcast or class will settle your soul like Him. You will find your rhythm, that quiet confidence, when you surrender your ‘Momhood’ to Father God. And you’ll do that more than once, with each stage you move to and with each child that comes.

Along with absolute dependence on God is the absolute of community. We simply cannot do this alone. We need each other. The saying is true: It does take a village. One of my favorite things to do is encourage another mom. Sisters, I can’t say this any plainer- YOU have not only been given these children to raise, you’ve been CHOSEN to be their mom. And some days you are worn and torn from those bone-tired nonstop tasks of motherhood; you may even feel like a failure. Plant this down in your soul- the God of the Universe, the King of the World, the All-Sufficient One, the Great I Am, CHOSE YOU. Babes, you already have what it takes. When you became a mom, whether by birth or by way of love, you became the expanded edition of the unique creation God made. Keep going!! It takes Holy Ghost Moxie to raise kids and you are doing it!! I celebrate YOU today!!

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